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Department of

Women's Development

Self Help Groups (SHGs) under WIN project

Self Help groups are support groups formed by women from more or less similar socio economic background. The main purpose of these groups is to support the group members in situations of financial needs. CSSC health volunteers have participated in many self-help groups in the communities where CSSC works through the clinics. These groups are on the record of Municipal Corporation Greater Mumbai and are receiving money under the scheme of “Swarnajayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana” (self-employment scheme for urban poor). Many of the group members have taken loan from the groups for various purposes ranging from family needs to improving the economic status of the Self-help groups are an important component of WIN. They reflect the unity of women from the community. The SHG members come together for their own development. They are motivated to improve the economic condition of the family and take up social development activities. Also SHG’s are important pressure groups in the community and if guided properly they can contribute positively in creating awareness about immunization, child marriage, violence against women, Alcoholism, environmental cleanliness, etc. The SHG’s encourage women leadership and improve political participation of women at grassroots levels..They opt for taking up income generation activities. It enhances the status of women in family as well as in the Community. They play an important role in improving the economic status of women. It is observed that any programme, which has the participation from local women, is likely to succeed. So formation, capacity building and strengthening of SHG’s is important for women’s empowerment and community empowerment. WIN has formed 65 SHGs in clinic areas. The SHG members do collective savings regularly. Most of the SHGs have started internal lending to members and 15 SHG’s started Utpadan Gats (Production Groups).

Vocational Training

CSSC conducts various vocational training courses under WIN project for women and girls. These courses are conducted at CSSCs campus. The course fees are highly subsidised so that the women from lower sociol economic background can benefit. The vocational training under WIN Project prepared the course outline and implemented the training. The course material as well as the teacher’s honorarium was provided by CSSC. Out of 6 courses 3 courses were of three month duration. At the end of the course, examination was conducted and the successful participants were given Certificates. The deserving girls and women from nearby areas from lower socio-economic background were benefited in this courses were affordable. Our Health worker is working in this area and does the publicity of vocational course, as well as we were distributed pamphlets regarding courses

Non Formal Education

The Community Health Volunteers conduct two Non-formal Education (NFE) sessions every month in each clinic area. The topics covered in NFE can be divided into four broad categories. These categories are Reproductive Health and Family Planning, Child Health ,General Health and fourth is Social and developmental issues. During the reporting period, the WIN Community Health Volunteers conducted 353 NFE sessions in 15 slum areas. The total number of women attending these sessions is 6420. The average attendance per session is 18 women.

The purpose of conducting NFE sessions with women is

1. To provide information about Neonatal Health

2. To motivate or encourage women to participate actively in economic and social life.

3. To provide correct information about Health h issues to women so that they can work towards prevention of health problems or otherwise respond to problems in early stages.

4. To empower women with knowledge so that they are better equipped to look after themselves and their families.

5. To acquaint women with information regarding facilities provided by the government and their rights and duties for example water and sanitation facilities,SHG ‘s formation.

6. To provide information about ill effects of dirty toilets.

Helping Hands Project

The Helping Hands Project was started in February 2010, with the objective of providing economic support to needy women in distress; we give loan up to Rs. 10,000/- for this purpose. We are receiving loan application for education of children or repayment of debt from outsider at heavy interest or repairing of house and giving medical support to the family or to start a small business. We have changed our Helping Hand criteria (both regarding loan amount and reason for loan ) since April 2012 owing to constant requests from the loan applicants to increase the loan amount from Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 20,000/-. During the period from April 2016 to March 2017, we were able to provide short term loans worth of Rs.3, 70,000/- to 19 women and 1 man.

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Centre for the Study of Social Change

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